Kwacha Innovation Company

Winners Online School

Best online school for students of all ages. Enroll now and get quality education at affordable prices in Malawi. read more...

Presentation Hub

Discover and share presentations on our platform. Upload your insights and access valuable resources for collaborative learning and innovation.

To contribute or access presentations, visit here...

Electronic Farm Record

Streamline your farm management with our electronic farm record system.Visit here....


Manage your retail store efficiently with our ShopManager software.


Get guidance and insights for your shopping needs with our ShopGuide app.
Send 8960 to +265 880 99 85 24 on whatsapp to getstarted Visit here...

Electronic Radiology Register

Efficiently manage patient records and benefit from auditing capabilities with our Electronic Radiology Register

School Fees Management System

Schools can easily track and manage student school fees with our School Fees Management System. Visit here....

Student Result System

Automate the delivery of student examination results and utilize accounting abilities with our secure Student Result System.

Contact Us

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